First you must know where to relieve yourself. The number most often given is 200ft. You should only defecate 200ft from sources of water or established trails. Once your spot is selected you will then dig a cat hole. A cat hole is called this because that is what a cat does. A cat hole is 6 - 8 inches deep. Why only 6 - 8 inches? because that is where the organic organisms hang out and deep enough to protect it from small critters. These organisms are what break down the "poo" aka. fecal mater. Any deeper and the "poo" may be lying there for a long time.
When digging your cat hole remember to break out a clean top cap so it can be replaced over the hole. To dig you can use a digging stick or a small shovel.
Now how to actually do the "Doo Doo." Select a spot where you can either lean against a tree when in the squat position. Or find a tree that you can hang on to so you do not fall backwards. Or just squat down and do it. Here is a great internet article on just these facts.
OK what about the wiping part? Well... If you use paper, then you should use it, bag i,t and hike it out when you go home and find a trash can. Some campers like to use natural vegetation AKA good quality leaves. This requires a bit of plant identification because some plants irritate your skin and you don't want that down there.
This method follows the basics of Leave No Trace. Soon we may need to start packing the whole load out. If this becomes a requirement we would resort to using Climber's Poop Tubes. That will be a future article.
The website with the article is outdoor survival website and has some great articles on multple subjects.
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