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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Water from the Sierras Is it Safe?

There has been much talk about Water for the upcoming backpacking trip into the Ansel Adams Wilderness. For optimal hydration every person should consume 100 oz. per day. So for this trip we are requiring every scout to carry at least 2 liters of water during the hike. We will replenish at selected sites during the trip.

So where do we get Safe water when on a backpacking trip? The Sierras have numerous streams and lakes that are considered safe for consumption and we will have filters available. In doing research I am finding that the Streams and lakes of the High Sierras 8000ft and higher are considered safe to drink. So each scout and adult will have to analyze the data for himself and make the decision to drink straight or treat the water. BTW, BSA recommends that all water should be treated.

How do we treat water? Water can be filtered with a backpack filter. You can treat the water with chemical tablets or Iodine. You can Boil Water. Boiling is also a topic of question because how long do you need to boil water? My answer is 1 minute at FULL BOIL and then allow the water to cool. This full cycle of heat will kill most if not all of the harmful critters. Why 1 minute? because that takes the altitude adjustment out of the equation.

Robert Rockwell, PhD. author of the article "Giardia Lamblia with Special Attention to the Sierra Nevada" states that as long as the backpacker drinks smart he should be safe. Backpackers need to pay attention to the condition of the water source and the overall area. Dr. Rockwell has found that a majority of the water from the Sierra Nevada is safe as the San Francisco Municipal Water Supply.

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