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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sequoia Council Winter Preparedness Training

The 2011 Winter Preparedness training hosted by Troop 223 in Fresno was a great presentation. Adult Leaders and Scouts were very good at covering details Troops and patrols would need to have a successful Klondike Weekend.

Some of the things pointed out during the seminar were to very aware of your "SWEAT" condition and the layers you have on. Wet Sweaty layers under your waterproof layers are just as dangerous as plain old wet clothes. Maintain your core temperature by adjusting your layers throughout the day and night. remember 40% of your body heat is lost through your HEAD! Oh and for layers possibly start investing in merino wool clothing. It maybe the new "Wonder" wool for happy camping.

Tent conditions were also discussed. Cheap 2 season tents may not cut it at Klondike while a Good level 3 Season Tent should be OK. The best for Klondike would be a 4 season tent but in our parts your would only use it once maybe twice a year since they are heavier than a good 3 season tent. Klondike has seen Rain, Sleet snow and Blizzard so you never know what Klondike weather will be like.

Sleeping bags in good condition are recommended. And BTW a clean sleeping bag will keep you warmer than a dirty sleeping bag so wash your gear every now and then. Again for our usual uses Scouts would be fine with a 20 - 30 degree bag. If we do do a Snow or winter outing a smart Scout would layer up before getting in the bag or ad a Sleeping Bag liner to his equipment.

Everyone was reminded that WATERPROOF BOOTS are a must for a Snow campout. Snow boots maybe worn however they may become uncomfortable for the hike in. All hiking boots should be of the waterproof variety and not the Summer variety. If your boots do get wet plastic grocery bags can be used to keep your feet dry when you change socks.

A new event is being added to Klondike this year. There will be a Orienteering competition this year. Each patrol is required to have their own compass for the event. The course is a challenge to find your Mine Claim. Once you find it you must write home a Telegram message to tell your family back home where it is. The creative message is part of the competition. Oh and the Tomahawk throw is BACK!

The Scouts of 223 also brought up the idea for Preparing your camp meals at home and precooking some of the meals to speed up the cooking time at camp. This will save fuel and time. Fires at Klondike were discouraged as Troops must hike in all of the Wood the plan to burn. Stoves will be the primary means of cooking. Calorie intake is very important to stay warm on a snow outing. propane stoves may not be quite as efficient in the cold weather so liquid fuel stoves may be the "HOT" Ticket.

Scouts in attendance were Ricky, Taylor, and Clayton. Thank you to Mr Sharp, Mrs. Hoffknecht, and Mr Nishimoto for also attending. Our Senior Scouts will be taking the information they learned and put together an activity plan for the Troop to prepare for Klondike.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Learning About Leadership

"Learning About Leadership" is adapted from Patrol and Troop Leadership, the handbook on leadership development written for Patrol Leaders and published by the Boy Scouts of America in 1972.

Why Leadership?

In most football teams the quarterback is the team leader. Why is that? Is there something magic about the position? Does he automatically become the leader -- the guy who makes the team go -- when he is named quarterback by the coach?

No, there's more to it than that. Lots more. Usually he is named quarterback because he's already a leader. He's already the kind of guy the other players like to follow.

And if the coach is wrong about him, he probably won't stay quarterback very long. If he can't lead the team, he won't have much value even if he can hit a receiver at 40 yards. Because every successful team must have a leader.

That goes for your Scouting team, too -- your patrol and your troop. In fact, if the patrol and troop are to succeed, you need several leaders. Guys like yourself who want to try "quarterbacking" in Scouting. One of the aims of your local council Junior Leader Training Conference is to show you how to become a better leader.

Let's begin by being honest about it. This handbook is not going to make you a good leader. You are not going to find 5 or 10 simple rules to follow to become a good leader. If leadership were as easy as that, almost everyone would be a good leader. And you know that most people are not.

There are no rules for leadership. But there are certain skills that every good leader seems to have. You learned about them at your local council Junior Leader Training Conference and have practiced some of them in your troop at home.

Some of these skills you may already have even without knowing it. That's the funny thing about leadership -- a good leader doesn't necessarily know how he does it. He just does what comes naturally and the others follow him. Although he may not know it, he has mastered the skills of leadership.

This doesn't mean we guarantee that you'll be elected student council president next year. Or that you will be the Super Bowl quarterback 15 years from now or President of the United States in 35 years. But we do guarantee that you can make yourself a much better leader in just a few weeks or months.

What Is Leadership?

Leadership is a process of getting things done through people. The quarterback moves the team toward a touchdown. The senior patrol leader guides the troop to a high rating at the camporee. The mayor gets the people to support new policies to make the city better.

These leaders are getting things done by working through people -- football players, Scouts, and ordinary citizens. They have used the process of leadership to reach certain goals.

Leadership is not a science. So being a leader is an adventure because you can never be sure whether you will reach your goal -- at least this time. The touchdown drive may end in a fumble. The troop may have a bad weekend during the camporee. Or the city's citizens may not be convinced that the mayor's policies are right. So these leaders have to try again, using other methods. But they still use the same process the process of good leadership.

Leadership means responsibility. It's adventure and often fun, but it always means responsibility. The leader is the guy the others look to get the job done. So don't think your job as a troop leader or a staff member will be just an honor. It's more than that. It means that the other Scouts expect you to take the responsibility of getting the job done. If you lead, they will do the job. If you don't, they may expect you to do the job all by yourself.

That's why it's important that you begin right now to learn what leadership is all about.

Wear your badge of office proudly. It does not automatically make you a good leader. But it identifies you as a Scout who others want to follow -- if you'll let them by showing leadership.

You are not a finished leader. No one ever is, not even a president or prime minister. But you are an explorer of the human mind because now you are going to try to learn how to get things done through people. This is one of the keys to leadership.

You are searching for the secrets of leadership. Many of them lie locked inside you. As you discover them and practice them, you will join a special group of people-skilled leaders.

Good exploring -- both in this handbook and with the groups you will have a chance to lead.

The Tasks of Leadership

In this section, we will consider several common statements about the people who serve in leadership positions throughout our world. After you have read the statement, decide for yourself whether you feel it is true or false and why you think it is.

Here is the first one. True or false?

The only people who lead have some kind of leadership job, such as chairman, coach, or king.

Do you think that's true? Don't you believe it. It's true that chairmen, coaches, and kings lead, but people who hold no leadership position also lead. And you can find some people who have a leader's title and ought to lead. But they don't.

In other words, you are not a leader because you wear the leader's hat. Or because you wear the patrol leader's insignia on your uniform. You are a leader only when you are getting things done through other people.

Leadership, then, is something people do. Some people inherit leadership positions, such as kings, or nobles, or heads of family businesses. Some are elected: chairman, governor, patrol leader. Some are appointed, such as a coach, a city manager, or a den chief. Or they may just happen to be there when a situation arises that demands leadership. A disaster occurs, or a teacher doesn't show up when class begins, or a patrol leader becomes sick on a campout.

Try this statement. Is it true or false?

Leadership is a gift. If you are born with it, you can lead. If you are not, you can't.

Some people will tell you that. Some really believe it. But it's not so.

Leadership does take skill. Not everyone can learn all the skills of leadership as well as anyone else. But most people can learn some of them -- and thus develop their own potential.

You don't have to be born with leadership. Chances are, you weren't. But you were born with a brain. If you can learn to swim or play checkers or do math, you can learn leadership skills.

How about this statement. True or false?

"Leader" is another word for "boss."

Well, what do you mean by "boss"? A guy who pushes and orders other people around? No, a leader is not one of those. (But some people try to lead this way.)

Or do you mean a boss is somebody who has a job to do and works with other people to get it done? This is true. A leader is a boss in that sense.

True or false?

Being a leader in a Scout troop is like being a leader anywhere else.

This one is true. When you lead in a Scout troop, you will do many of the same things as any leader anywhere.

The important thing now is Scouting gives you a chance to lead. You can learn how to lead in Scouting. You can practice leadership in Scouting. Then you can lead other groups, too. The skills you will need are very much the same.

What Does a Leader Deal with?

Every leader deals with just two things. Here they are: the job and the group.

The job is what's to be done. The "job" doesn't necessarily mean work. It could be playing a game. It could be building a skyscraper. It could be getting across an idea.

A leader is needed to get the job done. If there were no job, there would be no need for a leader.

The group, such as a patrol, is the people who do the job. And in many cases, the group continues after the job is done. This is where leading gets tough, as you'll see later.

Think about this situation. Mark has a lot of firewood to split. There he is, all alone with his ax. He's got a job to do. Is he a leader?

We have to say in this situation that Mark won't be leading. Why? No group. There's nobody on the job but Mark.

Here's another example. Danny and three of his friends are on their bikes. They have no place to go. They're just riding slowly, seeing how close they can get to each other.

Is Danny -- or any one of the others -- a leader?

>From what we know, we have to say no. Why? No job. There's a group of friends, but nothing special to be done. You don't need a leader for that. (You don't need a group, either.)

The Job of a Leader

A leader works with two things: a job and a group. You can always tell when a leader succeeds, because:

1. The job gets done.

2. The group holds together.

Let's see why it takes both.

Frank was elected patrol leader. That same week, the patrol had a job cleaning up an old cemetery.

It was Frank's first leadership position, and he wanted it to go right. In his daydream he could see the Scoutmaster praising him for the great cleanup job. So when Saturday morning came, Frank and the patrol went over to the cemetery, and Frank started to get the job done.

He hollered. He yelled. He threatened. He called them names. He worked like a tiger himself. It was a rough day, but the cemetery got cleaned up.

Frank went home sort of proud, sort of mad, and very tired.

"How'd things go, Frank?" the Scoutmaster asked a few days later.


"No problems?"

"No." Frank wondered what he meant by that.

"Oh! Well, a couple of the boys in your patrol asked me if they could change to another patrol. I thought maybe something had gone wrong...."

And that was how Frank learned that getting the job done isn't all there is to leadership. He had really given the group a hard time, and now they wanted to break up.

Almost anybody with a whip and a mean temper can get a job done. But in doing it, they usually destroy the group. And that's not leadership. The group must go on.

Another new patrol leader called a meeting at his house. Everybody seemed to be hungry when they came. So they got some snacks from the kitchen. Then they tossed a football around. It began to get dark, and one by one they went home. Everybody had fun. But the patrol meeting -- the job -- never started.

One of the following statements is the message of this section. Which one?

a. Nice guys finish last.

b. Mean guys finish last.

c. Leaders get the job done and keep the group going.

d. Leaders have a special title or badge that makes others like to follow.

We'll take the third one. Will you?

What Affects Leadership?

Leadership is not magic that comes out of a leader's head. It's skill. The leader learns how to get the job done and still keep the group together.

Does this mean that the leader does the same things in every situation? No. Here's why.

Leadership differs with the leader, the group, and the situation.

Leaders -- like other people are all different. No leader can take over another leader's job and do it the same way.

Groups are different, too. A great football coach might have difficulty leading an orchestra. A good sergeant might be a poor Scoutmaster. So when a leader changes groups, he changes the way he leads.

Situations differ, too. The same leader with the same group must change with conditions. A fellow leading a group discussion needs to change his style of leadership when a fire breaks out. As a Scout leader, you probably can't lead the group in the rain the same as you do in the sunshine.

An effective leader, then, must be alert at all times to the reaction of the members of the group; the conditions in which he may find himself; and be aware of his own abilities and reactions.

Leadership Develops

Picture a long scale like a yardstick. On the low end, there are no leadership skills. On the other end, there is a complete set of leadership skills.

Everyone is somewhere between those ends!

Where do you find yourself at this time? Unknowingly, you may be further up the scale than you realize. As a staff member you'll now have the opportunity to find out.

How Will You Know You are Improving?

You learn leadership best by working with groups. That is something like learning swimming best by getting into the water.

Yet you can't keep track of your progress without a guide. You must know and understand what you are trying to learn. This means you have to know what the skills of leadership are.

A Letter from Scoutmaster Chadwick

Happy New Year All,

I hope that you all have enjoyed the holidays and our break from scouts. It has been a very blessed time for me and my family as well as a welcomed rest.

As some of you may know, my mom and dad were able to visit over the Thanksgiving holiday and we celebrated my mom’s 70th BD. It was certainly a very happy time to be with my parents since they live so far away (Pittsburgh PA). The Christmas and New Year’s holidays were even more special. Most importantly, my immediate family was all together and we are all healthy and happy. God has certainly made His presence known in our household as we celebrated Jesus’ birth and joyously watched the clock tick down to 2011. Sam, Dan, Gloria, and I shared a very special moment together welcoming in the new year.

So, what will the new year bring? That seems to be on the minds of most .. these days…. And especially for the troop. Traditionally, we kick things off in January with a few meetings and the Webelos Campout at Eastman Lake, followed by a wintery trek to Klondike at Shaver Lake. Although the full 2011 calendar has not yet been fully developed, I can share with you, that most, if not all, of our regularly attended events will take place. As we begin meeting again this year… we will solidify the calendar and schedule out the things that the boys want to do. (remember, we must have Adult leaders for these things). Our first meeting of the new year is Monday, January 10th, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Madera United Methodist Church.

Each year the BSA and the Sequoia Council strongly advocate that all scouts and parents be better educated in the topic that deals with Child Sexual Abuse. If you have been involved with scouting for any length of time, you already know that this topic is nothing new for scouting and that it is repetitive as the boys progress through their scouting career.

Now that we have successfully Re-Charted the Troop (a huge thank you goes out to Mr. Schneider), over the next few weeks the troop will be viewing materials produced by the BSA to help us all recognize and prevent Child Sexual Abuse. Please make arrangements for you and your son to attend. If for some reason, you don’t wish to view this in a group setting, the materials will be available for you to check out and view privately. There will be two groups. One that deals with younger scouts and one that is more appropriate for older scouts. For time’s sake, both sessions will take place on the same night (Monday, January 17th). The groups will be in separate quarters. If you have any questions or concerns re: this training, please contact me, Bob Rolan, or Gaylen Thelander, and/or the Sequoia Council.

Attention Patrol Leaders Council Members: (Green Bar). [ it is not up to the adults … it is up to you.. this is your TROOP]

1. As we now have 4 patrols, we must get our Patrol names, uniform patches, yells, and flags solidified ASAP. SPL and ASPL need to ensure that all patrol leaders are working on these goals over the next month. This should be completed by the time we go to Eastman Lake as it is our practice time for Klondike in February.

2. We also need to plan out our activities for Eastman Lake and be mindful that this campout is not only for the Webelos but for prep work needed for Klondike. Mr. Govett and Mr. Tucker will be preparing a compass course and other events. Please be prepared to assist them and on January 10th will have sign ups. We will need to plan menus on Monday the 17th and have those responsible for food purchases accomplish that no later than Friday the 21st.

3. We need to have a complete inventory and stocking up of our camp boxes (including the 4th patrol box) and coordinate with the Quartermaster and the adult QM Advisor with this effort.

4. Ensure that each scout is paired up with a buddy and that each buddy team decide who is responsible for the tent, etc.

5. Remember that we have scheduled Green Bar Meetings the 3rd Monday of each month. Starting time 6:15 pm. This month it is on the 17th. Please be there on time, we have a lot to accomplish and a short time frame.

Welcome to 2011, an exciting new year for Troop 116

In Him,

Scout Master – Mr. Chadwick