Current Calendar

A Scout is Helpful

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cobb Cornfield Maze a tribute to Boy Scouts

The Cobb Ranch Corn field maze has been very popular over the years here in the Central San Joaquin Valley. This year in 2010 they are dedicating the maze to the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. you can visit their webpage here.

They are offering free admission to all Boy Scouts dressed in Full Uniform! That is a $10 saving folks! WOW!!!

Happy Halloween!

November Shotgun Outing

The troop will be visiting the Sun Mountain Gun Club to experience the sport of Trap shooting. This outing requires a couple of permission slips to be turned in to the troop by November 8 so that the troop can have a proper headcount and buy the proper amount of ammunition for the day.

The troop Permission slip can be downloaded here

The Sun Mountain Gun Club permission slip can be downloaded here

Both forms and the activity fee must be turned in by November 8, 2010

Our goal for this outing is to give all of the scouts of Troop 116 an opportunity to learn how to properly handle a shotgun and try the sport of trap shooting.

The Gun Club has a snack bar on site and will have lunch available for purchase. Scouts may also bring their own lunch to eat on the premises. The activity fee for this outing is $30 per attendee. This will cover the costs of the range fee and ammo for 2 rounds of traps.

Mr Nishimoto has prepared a FAQ for the outing it can be downloaded here

For any other questions please contact Mister Nishimoto.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Tenderfoot through First Class Videos Now Online now has training videos for new scouts needing to work on their rank advancements. Follow the following link to the Videos. Quicktime is required to view videos online. THis is a great tool to early Rank Advancement. Watch the videos and talk to your Scout Leader about the rank advancement requirements you have met.